Services provided
Through individual and group interventions, we provide interdisciplinary services using support methods including accompaniment, support in accepting a diagnosis, adaptation, early stimulation, teaching social skills, providing respite care, guidance and representation.
Assessment and orientation services
Following a call to 811 or receipt of a referral from a partner, the access desk (guichet d’accès) prepares an analysis of the person’s and their family’s needs, specifies the service needs and guides the person and their loved ones to the right team, which provides the required support and interventions.
Physical disability services
Youth language impairment program
Specialized adaptation and rehabilitation services for children, adolescents and young adults (aged 0-25) with a confirmed developmental language disorder (dysphasia), a confirmed speech sound development disorder (verbal dyspraxia) or a confirmed auditory processing disorder.
Eligibility criteria for the specialized language impairment rehabilitation program (in French only)
Adult language impairment program (in French only)
Communication aids and support
Specialized assessment services for obtaining technical aids for people with a physical disability. This program also determines the technical aid required to compensate for a significant and persistent impairment in speaking, writing, using telephones, electronic devices and computers.
Auditory impairment program
Specialized adaptation and rehabilitation services for people of any age having problems or disabilities following hearing loss, whether very mild or deep, from birth or acquired; the onset of tinnitus; hyperacusis diagnosis or cochlear implant surgery. The program can recommend or provide help in using technical aids (amplified telephone, wireless television listening system, frequency modulation system, etc.).
Motor impairment program
Specialized adaptation and rehabilitation services for people with problems or disabilities as a result of cerebral motor deficiency (cerebral palsy, brain tumor, etc.); neuromuscular disease; musculoskeletal damage (arthritis, etc.); major global motor developmental delay (only children under the age of 6 are eligible); syndromes with symptoms of motor impairment; encephalopathy (stroke, cerebral anoxia, meningitis, epilepsy, etc.); degenerative neuromuscular disease (multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc.); musculoskeletal injury (amputation, rheumatoid arthritis, dwarfism, etc.); fibromyalgia, craniocerebral trauma (including shaken baby syndrome), spinal chord injury, serious orthopedic injuries or other serious injuries (serious burns, complex soft tissue injuries).
Rent Supplement Program
The CISSS des Laurentides has been designated by the Société d'habitation du Québec (SHQ) to manage the rent supplement program for disabled persons in the Laurentians. The administration of this program is governed by the regulations covering the allocation of low-cost housing and the directives issued by the SHQ.
Driver evaluation and vehicle adaptation
Driver evaluation services allow for the assessment of the ability of a person with a physical disability to drive safely, and the vehicle adaptation service allows individuals with a physical disability to adapt their vehicle to be able to drive it and to be able to safely get into and out of it. *Individuals with an addiction-related problem must be served at a rehabilitation centre specialized with addictions.
Equipment loans
The CISSS des Laurentides provides equipment to individuals permanently losing autonomy.
Visual impairment program
Specialized adaptation and rehabilitation services for people of all ages with problems or disabilities following significant loss of vision or of vision fields, diagnosed by a recognized professional (optometrist or ophthalmologist).
Technical aid services
Motor: Assessment services, recommendations, provision of mobility and posture aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, orthoses, posture aids and orthopedic shoes. The technical aids service also maintains and repairs the provided aids. Auditory and visual: provision of auditory or visual aids such as sound amplifiers, adapted alarm clock, white cane, magnifying glass, closed-circuit television systems, etc.
Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) videos
Communication aids and support
Aural rehabilitation
Intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder disability services
Early stimulation service
For children under the age of 6 with overall developmental delay or an autism spectrum disorder, this service works to stimulate the development of skills in various areas of the child’s development (language, cognitive, sensory-motor, motor, emotional, etc.) to maximize their potential, reduce significant gaps and prepare them for school. This service also includes various support and family coaching methods to develop parents’ understanding, knowledge and skills when dealing with their child and the child’s specific characteristics.
Adaptation and rehabilitation service
This service, offered to children aged 7 and up as well as to adults, assesses the functioning of a person with an intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder to identify significant functional gaps that cause a handicap in various areas, and to work out an intervention plan that will allow these to be reduced when there is a favourable prognosis. This service is often provided in collaboration with actors in the person’s milieu (school, residential, recreational, etc.).
The adaptation and rehabilitation service includes a range of interventions specific to this clientele as well as the possibility of specialized service episodes when required. Specialized service episodes are often required for clients who present complex problems (concomitance of problems), for individuals with behavioural problems or serious behavioural problems, when the person is at elevated risk of exclusion from one of their milieux or when their life plan requires an intensive service episode, often interdisciplinary, and conducted with the help of specialized programs.
Workforce integration service
This service evaluates the person’s socio-professional interests and their employability potential. The person can develop their abilities, interests, and social skills related to the workforce or to retaining their job, and develop attitudes and strategies there that encourage integration and social participation by the person within the framework of a job.
Community integration service
These services allow the person to develop interests and to acquire new knowledge through activities conducted in various milieux (childcare, school, recreational, etc.).
Home integration services
This is a specialized service aimed at developing a person's skills and autonomy and adapting a housing solution so that they can benefit from a living environment and variable support measures. The service episode serves to develop and achieve a long-term housing solution, pertinent to the person’s life plan, allowing them to maximize their social participation and self-determination. This solution includes a variety of support coming from the community, the family, and community and public services that then allows the person to benefit from a home adapted to their abilities.
Residential services in non-institutional resources
This service is offered to individuals (children or adults) who no longer have a home and cannot enter a natural home (supervised or unsupervised apartment, family home, bi-generational, etc.). The CISSS offers a variety of accommodations in a network of family-type (RTF) or intermediate (RI) resources.
Support for families
The support provided for families and loved ones helps them recognize and reinforce their strengths for stimulating the individual’s development to promote integration into the community.
Teams support parents in the many steps they take to help their child integrate into society, and they collaborate in developing the family’s support network.
Families can get support to accept a diagnosis, to learn about and respond to their specialized needs for respite, troubleshooting, prevention, placement, and in crisis or emergency situations.
In collaboration with many partners, the CISSS des Laurentides provides services that can vary in intensity and in length, based on needs and the family’s capacities and resources.
Family Support Program
This is a program to prevent burnout of parents (caregivers) who look after a handicapped person, related to their diagnosis (intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, physical disability). A global assessment of the person’s level of autonomy and factors related to the family determines eligibility for this program. When benefits are granted, reassessments are planned with the family or caregiver to update the situation and needs, to adjust the benefit or to confirm that the benefit is still required.
Here are the pertinent documents for families who receive family support benefits:
- How to apply for refunds (in French only)
- Claim form (in French only)
- List of eligible activities (in French only)
Home care support
Take a look at the services provided by the home care support teams of the CISSS des Laurentides.
Housing services
Offered to people (children or adults) who no longer have a residential living environment and who cannot integrate a natural living environment (apartment with or without supervision, family living environment, bi-generational, etc.).
Motorized mobility assistance
To help understand the use of electric wheelchairs, and three- or four-wheeled mobility scooters on public roads: