For loved ones
Witnessing perinatal bereavement can raise a lot of questions. Mostly about how to act, what to say and how to behave with a loved one experiencing perinatal bereavement. Sometimes, we talk too much, other times, not enough. Sometimes we downplay the situation without meaning to and, despite our best intentions, the effect is the opposite of what we wanted. Here are some resources to answer some your questions and help you support your loved ones:
Revenir les bras vides (Returning with empty arms) : a documentary series - Episode 4 is targeted at loved ones (in French only)
Les perséides : for parents' loved ones (in French only)
- 1-888 LE-DEUIL (533-3845) : Support for anyone experiencing grief following the death of a loved one. Available from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., 365 days a year.