Tool for parents
Wanna talk?
Start a discussion with your teenager about alcohol, vaping, screens, etc.
Addiction services
Addiction services aim to prevent, reduce and treat problems related to alcohol, drugs, medication, gambling and the Internet. These services are for people who:
- Are concerned about their substance use, gambling or Internet use;
- Are questioning the impact of their addiction (lack of energy, relationship problems, reduced productivity at work, change in state of health, etc.);
- Want to take stock of their substance use, gambling habits or Internet use;
- Think they have lost control;
- Wish to receive information so that they can make informed choices;
- Want to develop ways to change their habits and address or prevent problems related to them.
Leaflets and posters
Cap sur la famille program - for families dealing with addiction
- Cap sur la famille (in French only)
- Cap sur la famille (Maintenir l'équilibre) (in French only)
- Cap sur la famille (in French only)
- Cap sur la famille (Maintenir l'équilibre) (in French only)
National Addictions Awareness Week
National Addictions Awareness Week aims to raise awareness among young people of the importance of knowing themselves, asserting themselves and making informed choices. Several tools related to National Addictions Awareness Week are available on the: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction website.
Access to services
Call Info-Social at 811, option 2 for information or services.
You can also consult our list of facilities and the addiction resources dictory for the Laurentians (in French only).
Alcochoix+ program
This prevention program is for people who have 10 to 35 drinks a week. Alcochoix+ is an opportunity to reflect on drinking habits and identify concrete ways to change them.
Youth addiction services
Specialized youth addiction services are for teenagers between 12 and 17 years old, in or out of school, with problems related to drug, alcohol or screen abuse or addiction. These services aim to help young people manage or end their substance use or addiction.
Specialized workers use standardized tools to assess the problem and its impact on various spheres of the teenager’s life. The youth is provided with support to help in their personal reflection at home, in groups or one-on-one.
If necessary, a young person can be referred to a specialized residential youth centre. All addiction services are offered on a voluntary basis, and are personalized and adapted to individual needs.
To learn more, watch the followingvidéo (in French only), ) in which a member of our team, Natasha Carvalho, presents our services.
Service Entourage-Jeunesse (For teenagers' parents)
This service is for parents or parental figures who have a relationship with a teenager suffering from alcohol, drug or screen abuse or addiction, regardless of whether the youth is being followed by one of our services.
This service is offered via videoconference, in limited, open and continuous groups. There are 6 one-hour workshops, held once a week. Parents are accompanied by a specialized youth addiction worker in a process to improve their understanding and their well-being as they deal with their teenager’s choices.
Whether you are a teenager or a parent, if you wish to receive addiction services, do not hesitate to call Info-Social at 811.
Information for youth partners
To make a referral to youth addiction services, for an adolescent or parent, complete the Referral form for local services (in French only).
The screening questionnaire related to the type of problem must be completed for the adolescent and enclosed with the referral form for local services (above).
- Dep-Ado - Consult the form
- DEBA-Internet: Consult the form
Send both forms to the Youth access desk and youth crisis team by email to or by fax to 450-431-2965.
Specialized outpatient services
Upon request, you can receive support from one of our specialized health workers to reflect on your habits and their consequences for your health, social functioning and emotional relationships.
Specialized inpatient services
The CISSS des Laurentides offers residential detox and rehabilitation services to people dealing with addiction. Detox, when required, is the first step in a process to end use. Ending substance use or gambling leads to a disequilibrium that causes symptoms of physical and psychological withdrawal. Given that each person’s recovery process is unique, the CISSS offers a personalized stay adapted to each person’s needs. Throughout the process, medical and psychosocial professionals provide safe and compassionate withdrawal management.
Substitution therapy
Substitution therapy services are offered to people who have developed an opioid addiction (heroin, Dilaudid, OxyContin, Demerol, etc.). Medical and psychosocial services allow the person to reduce their urge to use as well as the damaging effects of opioid use, to reach an effective dose of the substitution medication and, if desired, to start a process of change for other substance use habits.
Injection equipment access centres (CAMI)
- Consult the
list of injection equipment access centres (CAMIs) in the Laurentides (in French only).
Social and professional reintegration
The addiction program services also provide support for social and professional reintegration. Throughout the process, specialized addiction workers offer methods and activities to improve quality of life.
Impaired driving assessment and risk reduction program
The CISSS des Laurentides is mandated by the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) to assess drivers found guilty of impaired driving. In accordance with Québec’s Highway Safety Code, anyone found guilty of impaired driving must respect certain conditions to keep their driver’s licence or obtain a new one. The SAAQ requires these people to be assessed to ensure that there is no incompatibility between their substance use habits and the safe operation of a road vehicle. This assessment must be performed by an accredited evaluation officer. The CISSS relies on a team of accredited evaluating officers for the residents of the Laurentians.
For more information, consult the Programme d’évaluation et de réduction du risque de conduite avec les capacités affaiblies (PERRCCA) (in French only)
Services for family and loved ones
The addiction of a loved one—a spouse, parent or child—has a direct impact on their inner circle. This service is for members of the immediate family (father, mother, sister, brother, spouse, child over 18 years of age) or any other person who has a significant relationship with the person suffering from the addiction. It is not necessary for the person with the addiction to be followed by our establishment for a member of their circle to access the services. Support is provided by a specialized worker in a personalized process to improve their well-being and their relationship with the person suffering from the addiction. They can also contribute to the rehabilitation process of the person with the addiction.
Certified public and community resources in the Laurentians
List for the Laurentians (in French only)
Certification process for private and community residential resources
Since 2010, all residential resources for addiction and pathological gambling must obtain certification of conformity, with the goal of ensuring quality services. The CISSS des Laurentides, in collaboration with the Conseil québécois d’agrément, ensures conformity and issues certification every three years. Learn more on the Laurentians' certified residential resources for addiction and pathological gambling.
Information for partners
Referrals to access desks
For referral to an access desk, complete the, complete the Referral form for local services (in French only).
For referrals related to addiction, the DEBA form regarding the type of addiction must be completed along with the referral form for local services.
DEBA Gambling : Form in English
DEBA Alcohol : Form in English
DEBA Drugs : Form in English
DEBA Internet : Form in English
Send these forms by fax or email to Adult addiction access desk (Guichet d'accès en dépendance adulte) at:
- Email:
- Fax : 450-432-6105