Preparing for a first telehealth appointment

1. Read the information leaflet

The leaflet contains important information about telehealth services, its risks, restrictions and recommendations. 

Open the document

2. Sign the consent form

The professional must ensure that the file is maintained in accordance with the requirements of their professional order and of the institution, even for a telehealth intervention. Your CONSENT is required and must be documented in the file. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

Open the individual consent form

If you are participating in a group meeting, your caseworker will ask you to sign the consent form listing the rules and expected behaviour for the proper functioning of clinical virtual group meetings.

Open the group rules form (in French only)

3. Have the required material

  1. Have a valid email address.
  2. Have the required computer equipment (equipped with a camera, microphone and speakers).  
  3. Test your equipment by clicking here.

4. Prepare and use the TEAMS app

Please download the TEAMS app on the device you will be using for the virtual meeting.

Consult the Startup Guide for your individual meeting via TEAMS.

If you have problems connecting with TEAMS, contact Technical Support for Patients. 

Please note that this link is only for technical support. No medical request will be accepted. 

5. Participate in the meeting

  1. Locate the TEAMS login link sent to you by email. 
  2. Make sure you are in a quiet, private location. 
  3. Make sure you have all the information your professional asked for (for example, list of medications, blood glucose readings, exercise leaflet, equipment required, etc.). 
  4. Have a list of the questions you want to ask, and the material needed to take notes. 
  5. Make sure that your devices (cellphone, tablet, laptop) are properly charged. 
  6. Join the meeting. 

6. After the meeting

After your meeting:

  1. Plan implementation of the recommendations and the follow-ups agreed to with the healthcare professional. 
  2. File the information in a home health file. 
  3. Fill out the survey about your experience. (in French only)