The  /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextAct respecting Health Services and Social Services recognizes the following rights to users (patients) :

  • Right to information
  • Right to receive appropriate health services and social services
  • Right to choose a professional or institution, within prescribed limits
  • Right to receive appropriate care when life or health is endangered
  • Right to consent to or to refuse care
  • Right to participate in all decisions that can affect health conditions or mental or physical wellbeing
  • Right to be accompanied, assisted or represented
  • Right to shelter/accommodation
  • Right to receive services in English
  • Right to access one’s user’s file, subject to certain limitations
  • Right to the confidentiality of one’s user’s file
  • Right to lodge a complaint


In this section:

  • Users' Committees (CU)
  • In-patients' Committees (CR)

The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux des Laurentides Users’ Committee (CUCI) was created as a result of the act that changed the organization and governance of the health and social services network (2015). This law established the levels of responsibility among the Users’ Committees, the In-patients’ Committees and the CUCI.

The Integrated Centre Users’ Committee mandate consists of representing, informing and supporting the Users’ Committees and In-patients’ Committees. It ensures the quality of care and services provided in CISSS des Laurentides facilities as well as users’ satisfaction with them.

CUCI members

  • Carole Tavernier, CU DI-TSA-DP and CUCI president
  • Lise Viens, CU Des Sommets and vice-president
  • Nancie Ouellet, CR du Centre d'hébergement Hubert-Maisonneuve and secretary
  • Dolorès Lemay, CR du Pavillon Philippe-Lapointe and treasurer
  • Daniel Leduc, CU de Saint-Jérôme
  • Francine Leroux, CU du Lac-des-Deux-Montagnes
  • Gérard Soulières, CU de Thérèse-De Blainville
  • Gilles Biron, CU d'Argenteuil
  • Rose Costantini, CU de la Résidence Lachute
  • Nathalie Allard, CU des Pays-d'en-Haut
  • Lise Legros, CR du Centre d'hébergement des Hauteurs
  • Vacancy - CU d'Antoine-Labelle
  • Vacancy - CU du Centre de protection de l'enfance et de la jeunesse (CPEJ) des Laurentides
  • Vacancy - CU en dépendance des Laurentides
  • Vacancy - In-patients' Committee
  • Vacancy - In-patients' Committee

Users' Committee


By virtue of the Act respecting Health Services and Social Services, the Users’ Committee’s functions are to:

  • Inform users of their rights and obligations.
  • Work to improve the quality of users’ living conditions and evaluate the level of user satisfaction regarding the services they receive from the institution.
  • Defend the collective rights and interests of users or, at the request of an individual, their rights and interests as users, before the institution or any other competent authority.
  • Accompany and assist, upon request, a user in any action they undertake, including filing a complaint in accordance with Sections I, II and III of Chapter III of Title II of the Act respecting Health Services and Social Services or by virtue of the Act respecting the Health and Social Services Ombudsman.
  • Ensure, where appropriate, that each in-patients’ committee is functioning properly and has the necessary resources to carry out its functions.


The Users’ Committee is made up of at least five members elected by all users of the institution plus a representative designated by and from each In-patients’ Committee. The majority of members must be users. However, if it is impossible to have a majority of users on the committee, the users can elect any other person of their choice provided that this person does not work for the institution or does not exercise their profession in a facility run by the CISSS.



By virtue of the Act respecting Health Services and Social Services, the In-patients’ Committee’s functions are to:

  • Inform users of their rights and obligations.
  • Work to improve the quality of users’ living conditions and evaluate the level of user satisfaction regarding the services they receive from the institution.
  • Defend the collective rights and interests of users or, at the request of an individual, their rights and interests as users, before the institution or any other competent authority.


An In-patients’ Committee is made up of at least three members elected by the centre’s in-patients. In general, an in-patient, a representative (family member or friend), a volunteer or any other person who has an interest in the wellbeing of in-patients can stand for election to an In-patients’ Committee.

List of In-Patients' committee

Learn more about the in-patients' committees in the CISSS des Laurentides' long-term care facilites. 



Centre de protection de l'enfance et de la jeunesse (CPEJ) des Laurentides


Des Sommets




Thérèse-De Blainville